Email Marketing for Financial Advisors

Email marketing for financial advisors

Email marketing for financial advisors. Does it work?

Brokers, banking, insurance, stock and investment services, all these financial services must have in common closeness, trust and reliability. All this due to their main corporate values when they communicate with their clients and leads.

As different from any other source of marketing and communications, it is very important to work not only in programmatic marketing automations to advertise your service. But it is vital to work on personalized email marketing to clients and potential clients.

Look after interesting content that could be useful for your clients , inform them about your updated products and services, and feedback campaigns. Email marketing for financial advisors can be a powerful tool for engagement and a cost-effective tool for conversion rates. Email is also the most cost-effective tactic with proven ROI results.

Important points to consider when planning you email marketing for financial institutions:

1- Work on your audience engagement and create value for them.

Many banks, brokers and other financial institutions recognize that a regular communication guarantees a real engagement with their clients and business success.

Constantly communication for financial services is important to keep your clients informed about your products and services. The content must not only be promotional about you. Your user needs qualified information that could be useful for its own business and experience.

You have the opportunity to spread all the great content of your expertise to your leads and clients actively looking for that information. Newsletters are a very important channel to engage your audience, and also in terms of SEO. By providing this type of content, you don’t also increase the engagement with them , but also give them more reasons to choose your services before any other else.

2. Customer experience pre and post sales.

Work on a customer experience pre-sales and post sales in which you could build a personalized communication between the client and your brand. An email marketing campaign will warm up your clients and leads no matter what stage of their journey will be. In the first stages, potential customers will know more about your brand and services. So at this stage this is an excellent opportunity for brand awareness. In the final stages of the journey, your email will boost their decision in choosing you before the competence.

Many times, conversions are not generated during the first emails sendings. These are done after a while, after your leads have known more about you. Obviously when they have checked what type of services and special promotions you do, and when they have created certain reliability on your brand. This is essential in email marketing for financial advisors.

3. Traffic generation to your website.

For sure a well designed email template plus valuable information will bring traffic to your website. The newsletters that you are sending can be related with your blogs posts, press releases posts and even social media posts. In that way you will increase the traffic (pageviews, users, sessions) to your site, and also your social media profiles.

4. Fast response and Customer service.

It is important to provide proactive service and be always available with fast responses. If you are planning to start a massive email marketing campaign it is important you have informed well your customer service team. Also your sales team needs to know about all your communications, services and products and be aware if some client decides to contact you after receiving your email.

Communication always needs to be bidirectional. If your leads and customers are receiving information and they ask for a one-to-one feedback asking for more information you should be ready for that.

5. Automation services for lead generation and SEO off-site

Email is also the most cost-effective tactic with proven ROI results. It has a highly competent digital marketing strategy for lead generation and higher click-through-rates, even more than social media marketing. Also it is a recommended tactic to work on your SEO optimization and google search rankings. If you start sending qualified and optimized content, this will improve your SEO off site and boost the qualified traffic of your website.

If you are focused on a B2C business, as more brokers, banks and exchange businesses do. Then you could try with email automations for every customer journey stage, automated emails will be sent when triggered by a user’s activity or date, without doing the work any time. As a complementary strategy it is also interesting to work on social media content.

By automating your emails, you would be able also to do A/B tests. Segment audiences based on open and click rates, different schedules and demographics. If it is used correctly it could bring more leads and a higher click-throu-rate than in traditional email campaigns.

If you are ready to give one step ahead with your email marketing strategy, you will need strategic planning and powerful html templates designs. The good news?! We as a marketing agency will be happy to help you! You only have to write to us: and one of our Account Managers will be replying to you as soon as possible.

Do you need an email marketing campaign?

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Editor’s Note:, is a new independent media agency specialized in financial markets and part of the FXStreet financial group, as its exclusive media agency. More than 20 years of being part of FXStreet makes the team experts in online advertising and marketing optimization campaigns for diversal businesses in this industry.

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